数学专业的学生培养在许多不同领域从事职业的技能, 和 studying mathematics as part of a liberal arts degree opens the doors to a world of opportunities. 作为一个数学专业的学生, you will gain skills in problem-solving through challenging intellectual pursuits that will be an asset in many different careers, 包括教育, 政府, 银行, 法律, 医药或商业.
The 数学 Department will help to develop your numerical 和 analytical abilities to investigate, 制定, 分析, 并清晰地解决数学学科中的问题. Skilled faculty provide guidance as you enjoy the intrigue 和 challenge of mathematics, 以及知道你已经找到了问题的答案的满足感. 作为菲律宾十大网赌网站数学专业的学生, you will enjoy small classes where you are known 和 supported by students 和 faculty members in an academically rigorous environment where you are prepared to succeed.